What can go wrong with a cheap car smash repair?

Up for some car repairs? You may have noticed quotes to fix your vehicle vary a lot depending on the repairer, but why is this? And how do you know the best way to weigh up cost versus quality?

Evaluating quality car smash repairs

When it comes to pricing a repair there are a few factors involved, like the:

  • Quality of the material
  • Repairer’s skillset
  • Time the job will take
  • Level of customer service
  • Overall workmanship
  • Location of the repairer

To get a cheaper price, you need to compromise on these points, which can impact your car (and bank account) in both the short and long term.

Risks of low-cost car smash repairs

Let’s take a look at some risk factors for paying less for the items on our checklist.

Quality of material
The end result may not look up to scratch or last as long as you expected.

Repairer’s skillset
This can come down to experience or even just passion for the job. If they don’t take pride in their work or have the capability of a high quality standard of work, unnecessary additional damage or incorrect installation techniques could impact your ride.

Speed of work
You may experience delays in repair time or the mechanic may rush your repairs. This could result in frustration, wasted time, and even poor work quality for a rushed job.

Customer service
They may not genuinely care or provide the level of service you want or expect. This can create barriers that could impact your understanding of the process or you’ll have questions or concerns left unanswered.

Overall workmanship
We’ve seen this all too often when someone has gone for the cheaper quote – the quality of work is poor, the customer is unhappy and needs to pay even more to take the car to someone else. No one wants to walk (or drive, if you’re lucky!) away with a car that needs additional work done after a trip to the mechanic.

The lesson learned here? It will actually save you more time and money if you just get it fixed properly the first time! Our car smash repair quotes will give you the best financial and quality outcome possible. Do it the right way, do it once.